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Checklist: What You Need to Play Alternative Legend "Seven Nation Army" by the White Stripes


Updated: Nov 29, 2020

Photo Shoot for "Elephant" by the White Stripes
Photo Shoot for "Elephant" by the White Stripes

"Every single one's got a story to tell," croons Jack White on the legendary alternative track "Seven Nation Army" of the White Stripes. It's a song that makes you feel alive. From the rhythmic thumping of the drums to the echoing wails of the electric guitar, the Whites know how to captivate their listeners. This is surely one of the best Alternative Rock songs of all time.

That's why, today, the focus is on The White Stripes and everything you need to play this song. Be sure to follow this checklist to get your band together and learn this incredible track.


Step #1: Grab a Guitar

Guitars Hanging In a Music Store
Guitars Hanging In a Music Store

The original track begins with a deep riff. Many people instantly attribute the resounding instrumental quality to a bass guitar, but Jack White has actually confirmed that he only uses a guitar on the track. Luke MacLaughlin Audio Wordpress states, "With the use of the Digitech Whammy pedal, Jack White was able to set down the octave on his semi-acoustic Kay Hollowbody guitar to give it sonic qualities of a bass.


Step #2: You're Going to Need Some Drums

A Pearl Drum Kit in a Music Store
Pearl Drums

This is the only other instrument you're going to need to play this song. Yep, that's it! Just guitar and drums. That is because The White Stripes are, and always have been, a two-person band.

It consists of Jack and Meg on guitar and drums respectively. With those two instruments, you're ready to start learning how to play.


Step #3: Learn the Riff

Jack White on Guitar
Jack White on Guitar

His style is very unique. This song proves that.

The riff for this one was almost written accidentally. He played those iconic notes while warming up for a show and decided that if he were to ever write a James Bond theme song, that would be it.

Start out on the low E-string, and play the following frets in this order: 7-7-10-7-5-3-2. Keep repeating that until the pre-chorus where you'll do 8 quick down-strums with a G power chord and then 8 more with an A power chord. Finish it back up on the seventh fret and start that same beginning pattern over again, just this time using power chords throughout the chorus.


Step #4: Bring the Beat In

Meg White on Drums
Meg White on Drums

Meg White, Jack's sister, is the driving force of the song. It has a slow, evenly paced rhythm, and a rather simple drum beat. NME tells us that "White’s simplistic style of playing has often led to criticism in the past," but goes on to say that she has received praise from Dave Grohl as being "one of the best of all time."

All you need is to hit the kick drum on the 1-2-3-4 counts of every measure, slap the snare on 2 and 4, and go crazy with the cymbal during the chorus. Does that sound easy enough? Of course it does.



The White Stripes pose for a photo shoot
The White Stripes

You're ready to get out there with a friend and play this legendary, alternative song. Just remember the steps above and you'll get there in no time at all!



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